Community Supporting Agriculture (CSA) is a way for farmers and eaters to come together for a whole season so we can all thrive. You pay a membership fee you can afford and get fresh veggies each share week.

It gives us steady reliable income and cash at the start of the season when we need it most.

It gives you a reliable supply of clean local food and connects you to other folks who care about each other, buying local, eating healthfully, and growing a better future.

Grow Community

Get to know the people who grow your food. Get to know neighbors from Bowling Green, Scottsville, Glasgow, and beyond who care about food and our community.​

Build Relationships. Stay Connected. Support One Another.

Eat Well

Eat the freshest and most healthful food you can.

Give yourself the extra little push to eat better and cook more.

Learn the seasonal rhythms of your food.

Support The movement

Help sustain two small family farms.

Support regenerative and organic agriculture practices.

​Strengthen our local food economy for resilience in years to come.


Fresh Bounty

Get a guaranteed supply of the freshest local produce, each week, year-round.

​Choose the Share Size and Price Point that fits your needs.

​Eat a custom variety each share week. Choose from a diverse Members-Only spread curated by your farmers.

​Pick up Saturdays in Bowling Green or Mondays on-farm in Oakland.

Clean, Seasonal, Healthy

Know how your food is grown and the farmers who grow it.

​We never use synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or GMOs. Learn More about our regenerative methods.

​Eat with the seasons year round for fresh and delicious produce.

Cook more and eat healthy with fresh vegetables and produce.

Growing Together

Growing Together Farm Share is our multi-farm collaboration with Flourishing Herbs, a Certified Organic Farm in Scottsville.

By bringing together two of the most eco-conscious farms in Southern Kentucky, we’re able to offer organic and regenerative produce to members in 3 counties.

Our diversity of crops gives you more variety throughout the season and our value-added teas, spices, jellies, sauces, baked goods, and flowers are unique!

Weaving Connection

Get to know other Farm Share Members at seasonal farm tours and potlucks!

Relate to the land that feeds you. Come out and explore the farm by volunteering some of your time to work the gardens with us!

Seeding Solidarity

Everyone deserves healthy food, no matter what they’ve got in their pocket.

Member fees are on a sliding scale. Pay the price you can afford. We’re all in this together and share cost across all incomes.

Listen to Max and Davida share about their Farm and what they are trying to accomplish through it and Farm Shares. You are welcomed to join and participate.